Saturday, January 15, 2011

Analyzing Visual Images

The Caption on the poster on the left reads "Healthy Parents Have Healthy Children".  On your post please do the following:

1.  Describe what you see in the picture.  Consider color, placement, people and objects, and composition.  Everything that you see.

In the picture, I see a German family; a father and mother and four children; two boys and two girls. this family is shown to be very happy and the children are laughing and energetic. The family is shown to be  The poster is in black and white with light falling on the family. In this poster, the family are in the middle, with the youngest daughter having a doll and the elder son looks like he wants to be like his father; "strong and proud".
2.  Interpret:  Guess about the creator is trying to express through the caption and images.  Why is this message being conveyed?
I think that the message the creator is trying to convey is that all the German families should be more or less like the one in the poster.

Evaluate:  What is the intended purpose of this image?  The intended audience? Does the image achieve its purpose?
The intended purpose of this image is to tell the public that this is the way a German family should be.The audience is the normal public. I think that the image does serve its purpose and the capion also helps the viewer understand the purpose.

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